Latest essays ( ALL → )
Snow, Teeth, Vowels Danae Io & Stathis Gourgouris
Editor's note #8
Right at the Center, There is Silence – Infrasonica Notes Marivi Véliz
Toward the Shore of Listening: An Underscore Rouzbeh Shadpey
Editor's note #6
In This Space We Leave Abbas Zahedi
Soundings Nolan Oswald Dennis
77k vertical hectares deep where an archaeological pillar was buried in Giza Abdullah Miniawy
Editor's Note #5
The Sky’s Like a Bell—the Moon Is Its Tongue Xenia Benivolski
Hear Heart Hellen Ascoli, Negma Coy & Sofia Jade Tanski
The Unbalanced Land Adrián Balseca
Editor's Note #4
The Sonic Image Lawrence Abu Hamdan
The Sound that Fish Make: Animism, Humanism and the Need to ‘Do Work’ Portia Malatjie
Sounding Calamity Moad Musbahi
Editor's note #3
The Heart in Her Mouth Ella Finer & Sheila Chukwulozie, Vibeke Mascini and Urok Shirhan
Acoustic Spatiality Brandon LaBelle
How does freedom sound? Yang Yeung
Paisajes Sonoros Joaquín Orellana
Editor's note #1
What Is the Measure of Nothingness? Infinity, Virtuality, Justice Karen Barad
Alqalbu Fi Fammiha | القَلبُ في فمّها Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan
Obi na’onu Ella Finer & Sheila Chukwulozie
Het Hart in haar Mond Ella Finer & Vibeke Mascini
The Deafening Blast, some notes and commentary Moad Musbahi
The Oration of the Wife of Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali Moad Musbahi
Semantic Condensation and Other Techno-Acoustic Devices Moad Musbahi
Latest conversations ( ALL → )
Learning from Joik Elina Waage Mikalsen & Pablo José Ramírez
Museum of the Resurrection Alan Poma
pLayPlAyplAY InnerSwell
Germination State #4 : Continue on jamming, on pajamas Tropical Tap Water
Harmonic Tremors Manuela Ribadeneira
On the Rhythmic Futurities of Devotional and Labour Music of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa Mhamad Safa & Reem Shadid
Transductions and Surlógicas Volume II Nicole L'Huillier & Claudio Mercado
Rivers, Pines Laura Ortman & Rachael Rakes
Resonator Tyler Coburn
Interspecies Politics, Animality and Silence Terike Haapoja and Pablo José Ramírez
#May68: from Prague to Mexico City Sol Henaro and Zbyněk Baladrán
Alqalbu Fi Fammiha | القَلبُ في فمّها Ella Finer & Urok Shirhan
Obi na’onu Ella Finer & Sheila Chukwulozie
Het Hart in haar Mond Ella Finer & Vibeke Mascini
Latest reviews ( ALL → )
Latest sounds ( ALL → )
I want to know you by touch (mars quakes) | A voice over for Fireflies Ella Finer & Amy Cutler
Snow, Teeth, Vowels Danae Io & Stathis Gourgouris
Museum of the Resurrection Alan Poma
We can leave anytime, day or night (let us begin we have much further to go) Rindon Johnson
Come Hell or High Water Nadoe
El tiempo ritmo Miguel Buenrostro
Black Cloud Lawrence Lek 陆明龙
pLayPlAyplAY InnerSwell
Liquid Beings Esteban Pérez
Toward the Shore of Listening: An Underscore Rouzbeh Shadpey
Germination State #4 : Continue on jamming, on pajamas Tropical Tap Water
Binary Complex David Schafer
KUA: Transnationalisms Yu'an Huang
In This Space We Leave Abbas Zahedi
gods cannot be seen but can be heard Ulrik López & Alina Maldonado
Soundings Nolan Oswald Dennis
77k vertical hectares deep where an archaeological pillar was buried in Giza Abdullah Miniawy
The Sorrow of the Inverted Sailer Enrique Ramírez
Untitled, (teaser for a hidden phrase) David Zink Yi
Hear Heart Hellen Ascoli, Negma Coy & Sofia Jade Tanski
Harmonic Tremors Manuela Ribadeneira
Ode/Oda Ella Finer & Mercedes Azpilicueta
The Unbalanced Land Adrián Balseca
On the Rhythmic Futurities of Devotional and Labour Music of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa Mhamad Safa & Reem Shadid
4 Cycles + 1 Red Culebra
Multi-Cultural Dread Arjuna Neuman
Sounding Calamity Moad Musbahi
Transductions and Surlógicas Nicole L’Huillier & José Pérez de Arce
Rivers, Pines Laura Ortman & Rachael Rakes
The Obsidian and the Sea Noe Martínez
Resonator Tyler Coburn
On Indigeneity, Curatorial Methodologies and Sound Candice Hopkins & Pablo José Ramírez
i@dreamt: Technologies of Enchantment Patricia Domínguez & Radim Lisa, Terezie Štindlová and Futuro Fósil
Lorenzo Aillapán Cayuleo, el hombre pájaro Patricia Domínguez
Singing Toward The Wind Now / Singing Toward The Sun Now Raven Chacon
Infrasonica X Open Publishing Fest
Jolt, A Long Distance Lullaby Vibeke Mascini
Malapetaka Julian Abraham ‘Togar’
Seized Atelier Mercedes Azpilicueta
The Oration of the Wife of Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali Moad Musbahi
By keyword
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Pável Aguilar
Lorenzo Aillapán
Hellen Ascoli
Mercedes Azpilicueta
Adrián Balseca
Karen Barad
Zbynek Baladrán
Xenia Benivolski
Miguel Buenrostro
Raven Chacon
Sheila Chukwulozie
Tyler Coburn
Negma Coy
Nicola Cruz
Amy Cutler
Nolan Oswald Dennis
Patricia Domínguez
Ella Finer
Futuro Fósil
Guillermo Galindo
Francisca Gili
Stathis Gourgouris
Terike Haapoja
Sol Henaro
Candice Hopkins
Yu'an Huang
AnaRosa Ibañez
Danae Io
Rindon Johnson
Brandon LaBelle
Nicole L'Huillier
Lawrence Lek 陆明龙
Radim Lisa
Ulrik López
Portia Malatjie
Alina Maldonado
Cristóbal Martínez
Noe Martínez
Daniel Mancero
Vibeke Mascini
Elina Waage Mikalsen
Abdullah Miniawy
Claudio Mercado Muñoz
Regis Molina
Moad Musbahi
Arjuna Neuman
Joaquín Orellana
Laura Ortman
Gabriel Pareyon
José Pérez de Arce
Esteban Pérez
Alan Poma
Red Culebra
Manuela Ribadeneira
Mhamad Safa
Rouzbeh Shadpey
David Schafer
Raquel Schefer
Urok Shirhan
Terezie Štindlová
Sofia Jade Tanski
Tropical Tap Water
Abbas Zahedi
David Zink Yi
Yang Yeung