Planetary Conversation ( Español → ) #May68: from Prague to Mexico City Sol Henaro and Zbyněk Baladrán
Planetary conversation ( Español → ) Interspecies Politics, Animality and Silence Terike Haapoja and Pablo José Ramírez
SOUND ( Español → ) I want to know you by touch (mars quakes) | A voice over for Fireflies Ella Finer & Amy Cutler
PLANETARY CONVERSATION ( Español → ) Transductions and Surlógicas Volume II Nicole L'Huillier & Claudio Mercado
Sound ( Español → ) i@dreamt: Technologies of Enchantment Patricia Domínguez & Radim Lisa, Terezie Štindlová and Futuro Fósil
SOUND ( Español → ) We can leave anytime, day or night (let us begin we have much further to go) Rindon Johnson